Not for Hurting

Not for Hurting - By Allan M. Weber

“This is an entirely unique and perhaps the definitive children’s book on the subject of war.  It is written by a concerned author with forty years experience in child development and children’s literature.  This is not the kind of book that is designed for light bedtime or story time reading.  Rather, it is something that should be in every therapist’s office, on every library shelf, in every teacher’s cabinet, and in every parent’s closet for when the need or curiosity arises.  In this time of perpetual war, this book fills a critical void for children and, just as possibly, for adults.  It is honest and heart-wrenching and is dedicated to the young victims of war and to those who have tried to stop the victimization.”

“Although billed as a children’s book, “Not for Hurting” speaks to the hearts and minds of individuals, of all ages, who deal with the confused emotions that war engenders in so many of us. Through his tone and detailed narrative, Alan Weber effectively connects his reader to the story. This poignant little book will elicit empathy from the strongest of readers.” – Chris Crowe, Professor of Writing and Literature, regular Amazon reviewer and author of “Forget Your Age: You Can Do This” (forthcoming in 2015)


“What a lovely book! Thank you for honoring Samantha and for the copy of your book! I will be telling people about the book. Thanks for your efforts.”- from Jane Smith, the mother of Samantha Smith, the late child peace hero to whom this book was dedicated


Mom’s Choice Silver Award Winner 9/2015

Moms Choice